"We must convince each genereation that they are transient pasengers on this planet earth. It does not belong to them. They are not free to doom generations yet unborn. they are not at liberty to erase humanity's past nor dim its future."Bernard Lown and Evjueni Chazov
We are at the beginning of the third millennium. With explosive speed, we have been transmogrified from a species like most others that live in a balance with with their surroundings into an unprecedented force. Like a species introduced into a new environment free of constraints, we have expanded beyond the capacity of our surroundings to support us. It is clear from the history of the past two centuries that the path we embarked on after the Industrial Revolution is leading us increasingly into conflict with life support systems of the natural world. Despite forty years of experience in the environmental movement we have not yet turned onto a different path.
David Suzuki
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