Bellow you'll find the lyrics to Kiss the Flag by Evans Blue which I think does a great job at capturing the situation many soldiers and their families are going through. I thought I'd share them with you after reading an article in the Toronto Sun about approximately 200 US Iraq war registers who have fled to Canada to avoid being sent to the War in Iraq. I generally keep my thoughts on the war fairly quiet because I'm slightly embarrassed to say I feel that I'm not educated enough on the subject to really make an informed decisions on what's necessarily right or wrong, true or false. I definitely have a lot of respect for our troops in Afghanistan who are oversees trying to help rebuild and provide stability to an area that most of them had never been too, did not know anyone from, and ultimately addressing problems that did not directly affect them, their friends or their families. On the other hand of the Iraq war, I can say I did not approve of Saddam Hussein and his regime. I'll ultimately admit
they scared me a little. However I don't think any of us can argue the against the fact the US had some ulterior motives to go into Iraq that they weren’t up front about, and should have waited for a mission approved by the United Nations if their weren't any other motives.
The article in the Sun definitely brings an interesting topic for debate. They use the example of Phil McDowell who after 9/11 enrolled in the military to defend his country. However, after serving in Iraq from March 2004 to March 2005 says "I trusted my government that we were going to enter a justified war". ... "I felt betrayed". After being ordered back for a second tour of Duty he sought asylum in Canada, similar to nearly 50,000 US citizens during the vietnam war. Now with a motion in parliament which has the support of the three opposition parties’ to stop the removal orders of those who have refused or left military service related to a war not sanctioned by the United Nations a decision will be made if they have to return to the US or not. I think this definitely puts Canada in an interesting position as a country who’s citizens on average do not support the war in Iraq would lend to the majority of Canadians supporting their residency in Canada. However, from an international relations point of view it is difficult for us as a nation to not support the US. ( for some more info on the issue)
Anyways enough of that finally I'll mention the other reason I chose to post this, which is to support a great Canadian group that has a lot of talent with a vocalist who does an amazing job at capturing emotion in his lyrics and singing. I highlighted a few of the lines I think are more powerful. You can listen to the song here.

The article in the Sun definitely brings an interesting topic for debate. They use the example of Phil McDowell who after 9/11 enrolled in the military to defend his country. However, after serving in Iraq from March 2004 to March 2005 says "I trusted my government that we were going to enter a justified war". ... "I felt betrayed". After being ordered back for a second tour of Duty he sought asylum in Canada, similar to nearly 50,000 US citizens during the vietnam war. Now with a motion in parliament which has the support of the three opposition parties’ to stop the removal orders of those who have refused or left military service related to a war not sanctioned by the United Nations a decision will be made if they have to return to the US or not. I think this definitely puts Canada in an interesting position as a country who’s citizens on average do not support the war in Iraq would lend to the majority of Canadians supporting their residency in Canada. However, from an international relations point of view it is difficult for us as a nation to not support the US. ( for some more info on the issue) (a video the singer put together.)
Don't shoot, until you see
The red and white
And blue in my eyes
They say were straddling fences
And it's not so comfortable
He thinks he grew up to be boring
And so he goes to change his life
I saw you get up on your toes
But don't step back too fast
Or you'll cut yourself in half
I wanted,
All I wanted was to find
Something here inside of me they couldn't keep
They woke up to hear me screaming
Just shoot until you see
The red on whiteAnd blue in my sky
The proof is in the pictures
And it's not so comforting
He knows that one day they'll ignore him
And push him to the sideHe said he kissed the flag before he died
He took one for his country
She said i'd do anything to have him back
I wanted,
All I wanted was to findSomething here inside of me they couldn't keep
They woke up to hear me screaming
God help us Can we really win this fight
Cause no one knows which side you're on
Anymore, anymore
I'm lost and by myself
When this ends
Will freedom be the casualty Or will it only
Will it be, only me
Will it be, only me
Will it be, only me
I wanted,
All I wanted was to findSomething here inside of me they couldn't keep
They woke up to hear me screaming
God help us
Can we really win this fightCause no one knows which side you're on
Anymore, anymore
You're not lost or by yourself
If you like this song a couple more you can check out
Beg - Up -
Quote -
1 comment:
Hey Pal, Great song! I never thought that when I introduced you to Evans Blue you'd become one of their biggest fans. I think they have only gotten better over the last couple of years.
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